Connecting your vessel to a mains power supply in New Zealand, for example at your marina berth?
Vessels connecting to the power supply in New Zealand require a current electrical warrant of fitness.
Marine vessels operate in a corrosive marine environment. To prevent chances of electrical mishaps, the electrical wiring and equipment in the vessels, should always be in good health. To ensure the safety of all the marine vessels and boats rising in the marinas, any vessel, yacht, or boat that requires connection to shore power, must display the current marine electrical warrant of fitness. Marinas are not allowed to supply power to marine vessels without an electrical warrant of fitness.
When it comes to the safety of your marine vessels, it becomes imperative to choose highly seasoned professionals with expertise in electrical inspection services. Battery Town Marine has qualified marine electricians on hand to check the safety aspects of your vessel's electrical systems and can issue a marine EWOF. Hire our registered electrical inspector for a marine electrical warrant of fitness and remain assured of your marine vessel's safety.
Call Battery Town Marine for expert service and advice - 0800 962 288